In the night they fall
Like angels when they die,
You can´t catch them all,
Love is truth, death is lie.
Sleeping in the forest,
Like a fox you´re hiding,
You want to find the rest,
Like a dragon, you are gliding.
Like a sword of devil,
Hear him singing,
There´s no such as evil,
Fire bells are ringing.
Heart is burning like the ice,
There is iceberg melting down,
You don´t wanna see that price,
That has left me on my own.
I just wish to be by your side,
In the wind and cold,
On the day and night,
My soul has been sold.
They are falling down and down,
slowly like flakes of snow,
Live their short lifes , so well known,
But you still didn´t know.
Hear them whisper your name...
Přehled komentářů
Pokud se jedná o gramatiku v AJ nedokážu to ohodnotit, sama jí moc nezvládám.... ovšem text je velice povedený!!!
(Jenn, 5. 10. 2007 19:19)Heh, ono se to i rýmuje:D Chyby hledat nebudu páč moje English, to je něco:D Ale jakžtakž jsem to přeložila a text je celkem fajn. Dobře se to čte:) Respekt:D
(Promiň, ale nevím co sem mám psát...jak já ty předměty nemám ráda...)
(Loreta, 12. 3. 2011 18:33)